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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Craigslist Real Estate lead generation secrets revealed-pt 1 How to make a clickable image ad

In this video I walk you through how to create a clickable image ad. This is a awesome way tool for you to use when generating real estate leads through craigslist. Not many people know about this so please keep it between us. Make sure your subscribe to my channel or blog to continue to get free craigslist real estate lead generation tips and other cool real estate marketing stuff. Be sure to leave your comments and rate this video so I know whether or not you liked it. Thanks for watching and be on the lookout for more cool videos coming your way soon.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The results are in

Over the last couple of weeks I have not shot a video to post on this blog. Forgive me I have been working behind the scenes on allot of cool new stuff that I am getting ready to show everyone. Many of you have helped me out big time by participating in the survey that I posted on this blog or sent you an email about, thanks a hole bunch you all have been awesome. Today's video I share with you some stuff I have been working on and also the results from that survey. The results of the survey are going to dictate what I will be teaching since it's exactly what you want based off of the survey results. Let me know what you thing about today's video by leaving me a comment below or by rating this post.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Have you ever heard that “you can’t be everything to everyone?” Do you understand what this little saying really means? Well by the end of today’s post you’ll understand exactly what it means and how you can use what they mean to increase the amount of business you are currently doing.
Lots of Real Estate Agents, Realtors, Brokers and just about every one else that falls into the RE professional category uses what is commonly know as the shotgun approach. The shotgun approach is an analogy for a wide spread approach to business. The large majority of RE pros take this approach with their businesses, not the wisest choice in my opinion.
Ok let me play devils advocate for a moment. We all know that if you throw enough shit at a wall something is bound to stick right? So when a Agent goes out and uses the shotgun technique they may call, flyer, door knock ect an area regardless of the types of property found in this area. Of course if you spend enough time in an area and get in front of enough people you are bound to come up with something.
Lets switch gears here and look at things from a different prospective. Now lets say you are targeting a certain style property in a specific area of your town. This can be a certain property type in a certain zip code or community. Now that you know who you are going after you can craft your marketing message accordingly to maximize your chances of getting business from these people. This is called target marketing.
Target marketing is nothing new but it is not used as much as it should be especially in RE. Traditionally RE offices and some brokers teach the numbers game, you’ve heard of this right? Knock on X amount of doors and you will get X amount of business or call X amount of people and you will get X amount of to work with you, sound familiar now? This is one way of getting business and in my opinion it is a very labor-intensive way of getting business.
Personally I would rather have a clearly defined target market I am going after that I can then solicit with specific material designed and crafted for their needs. This technique of target marketing allows you to contact less people while being able to get more business with less work. So lets say the area and property type you are going after has 25 people who fit your target market. Now instead of randomly contacting 200 people in hopes of drumming up business you only have to contact 25.
The beauty of this approach is when you are contacting the people in your target market your not saying “hello I am the local Realtor Come do Business with me.” With target marketing  you already know what your markets challenge is and have the solution waiting for them. With this strategy your conversation goes something like this. “Hello Mr/Mrs Smith I understand that blank right now and I can help you out big time by doing blank”.
Give this strategy a shot and see what types of results you are able to achieve. My guess is once you use this strategy in your business you won’t want to go back to your old ways.  Make sure you subscribe comment and rate my blog post and be sure to leave me a Google voice message telling me about your experience with target marketing.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Old v.s New

This is way cool. Sticking with the old verses new theme I want to show you something that in my opinion is freaking awesome. If you have been following this blog for some time you have noticed I added a Google Voice phone number for people to call and leave voicemail testimonials about this blog. So what’s new about a voicemail?
Glad you asked. So everyone is fairly familiar with what a voicemail is right? Ok great. Well the big G commonly referred to as Google, is now entering the communications market by introducing Google Voice. I have to say this new addition to the long line of Google products and services is FREAKING AWESOME.
Basically what Google did was tell the traditional phone companies to F#@$ off. I am serious. You can make local calls totally free and pay pennies for long distance and international calling. I plan on doing a in depth video into what Google Voice has the capability to do for your business. Be on the look out for that soon.
Back to the main point of old verse new. Google voice has a wealth of features people can play around with that allow you to do all kinds of cool things. One cool feature is you can assign specific numbers to have your call forwarded to during certain times of the day. So if you have a team this is a really useful tool to have when dividing the incoming call leads.
Another cool feature is each voicemail is transcribed and emailed to you. This is something that caught my eye and it works well. You can also embed your voicemails just like a youtube video. You can see an example of the embedding below. Currently Google voice is free to use so make sure you get your account opened and number picked out before those boys at Google decide to start charging us for this stuff.
Make sure you subscribe, rate and comment on today’s post before you leave and when you have a chance take the new survey I added to the link list atop this page.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Back to the basics or is it?

In our ever-changing technology age it can be difficult to navigate all of the marketing avenues available to the modern day RE professional. Between Social media and the Internet there seems to always be a new exciting way to get leads or drum up business for yourself. This can break a person down and cause a bunch of unnecessary confusion. Can you relate?
Thankfully you are an avid follower of myself and this blog right? J What I have found in my years of being a RE direct response marketer is that no matter what shinny new strategy that surface you can’t go wrong by sticking to the basics. I know your sitting there right now reading this saying to yourself “Paul you must have lost your mind, you never condone out dated lead getting marketing techniques” and you are right.
When I speak of the basics I am speaking about direct mail and cold calling in specifically. Now these two methods of getting leads are tough to do when you don’t understand how value is created. For those of you not in the know value is creation is the job of the RE agent or Realtor and no one else. So make sure you have some type of value proposition for your leads before you even begin otherwise you are setting your self up for failure. Got it.
Now back to the basics point I was making. I have coined the phrase Web 3.0 which means you drive traffic to your online offers from offline methods such as direct mail or cold calling. This is a lot easier than you think and for good reason. By sending a prospect online from a direct mail piece or call you are taking the position of information provider instead of desperate sales person. You can get really creative with this type of marketing fast when you take things seriously. Check it out.
Right now I am running a couple of campaigns that I want to share with you. The first is I am passing out flyers door to door which tell the prospect to go to a website that I set up where they can grab a report. I also have created a QR code that sends scanners of it to a youtube video of my wife explaining her services. So these are 2 simple traditional marketing methods with a new age twist to them, hence web 3.0. Got that?
In conclusion the traditional basics of lead generation combined with the new age technologies available make for a powerful duo.