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Monday, October 3, 2011

Back to the basics or is it?

In our ever-changing technology age it can be difficult to navigate all of the marketing avenues available to the modern day RE professional. Between Social media and the Internet there seems to always be a new exciting way to get leads or drum up business for yourself. This can break a person down and cause a bunch of unnecessary confusion. Can you relate?
Thankfully you are an avid follower of myself and this blog right? J What I have found in my years of being a RE direct response marketer is that no matter what shinny new strategy that surface you can’t go wrong by sticking to the basics. I know your sitting there right now reading this saying to yourself “Paul you must have lost your mind, you never condone out dated lead getting marketing techniques” and you are right.
When I speak of the basics I am speaking about direct mail and cold calling in specifically. Now these two methods of getting leads are tough to do when you don’t understand how value is created. For those of you not in the know value is creation is the job of the RE agent or Realtor and no one else. So make sure you have some type of value proposition for your leads before you even begin otherwise you are setting your self up for failure. Got it.
Now back to the basics point I was making. I have coined the phrase Web 3.0 which means you drive traffic to your online offers from offline methods such as direct mail or cold calling. This is a lot easier than you think and for good reason. By sending a prospect online from a direct mail piece or call you are taking the position of information provider instead of desperate sales person. You can get really creative with this type of marketing fast when you take things seriously. Check it out.
Right now I am running a couple of campaigns that I want to share with you. The first is I am passing out flyers door to door which tell the prospect to go to a website that I set up where they can grab a report. I also have created a QR code that sends scanners of it to a youtube video of my wife explaining her services. So these are 2 simple traditional marketing methods with a new age twist to them, hence web 3.0. Got that?
In conclusion the traditional basics of lead generation combined with the new age technologies available make for a powerful duo.  


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