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About Me

Hello everyone. My name is Paul Macaluso and I am the founder and president of RE Millennium Marketing. I have created this blog to specifically help Realtors & Real Estate Agents understand how to market their RE businesses online. I have been an online marketer since 2005. The reason I became an internet marketer is simple, I got fired from my job in the beginning stages of the recession and I could not find work doing anything else.  I stumbled into internet marketing by accident one day and have been going strong ever since. Over the years I have had many bumps in the road on my journey to becoming a successful internet marketer that’s why I can relate to everyday entrepreneurs like you so easily.

RE Millennium Marketing is well rounded in many different aspects of online marketing/advertising. For example we dedicated to provide you with the best information in the following areas of online marketing for RE pro's= SEO, Article Marketing, PPC, Blogging, Social media and lots more online lead generations methods. Through this blog and RE Millennium Marketings “How To” products/services we strive to teach the most effective online marketing/advertising methods strategies and techniques to Realtors and Agents who are passionate about learning how they can take their Real Estate businesses to the next level with internet marketing.

If you are one of the few Realtors or Agents who understand how important a role the internet plays in your business then this blog is perfect for you.
If you would like to contact me directly with questions comments or concerns about my company please feel free to give me a call 702-542-1993 or send me an email to You can also call me on Skype if you are a Skype user my contact name is paul_macaluso.

Enjoy this blog and all the helpful information contained within it.