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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Old v.s New

This is way cool. Sticking with the old verses new theme I want to show you something that in my opinion is freaking awesome. If you have been following this blog for some time you have noticed I added a Google Voice phone number for people to call and leave voicemail testimonials about this blog. So what’s new about a voicemail?
Glad you asked. So everyone is fairly familiar with what a voicemail is right? Ok great. Well the big G commonly referred to as Google, is now entering the communications market by introducing Google Voice. I have to say this new addition to the long line of Google products and services is FREAKING AWESOME.
Basically what Google did was tell the traditional phone companies to F#@$ off. I am serious. You can make local calls totally free and pay pennies for long distance and international calling. I plan on doing a in depth video into what Google Voice has the capability to do for your business. Be on the look out for that soon.
Back to the main point of old verse new. Google voice has a wealth of features people can play around with that allow you to do all kinds of cool things. One cool feature is you can assign specific numbers to have your call forwarded to during certain times of the day. So if you have a team this is a really useful tool to have when dividing the incoming call leads.
Another cool feature is each voicemail is transcribed and emailed to you. This is something that caught my eye and it works well. You can also embed your voicemails just like a youtube video. You can see an example of the embedding below. Currently Google voice is free to use so make sure you get your account opened and number picked out before those boys at Google decide to start charging us for this stuff.
Make sure you subscribe, rate and comment on today’s post before you leave and when you have a chance take the new survey I added to the link list atop this page.


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