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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lead capture = value creation

OK here’s the deal, everyone wants to get leads online for their business, especially Real Estate agents or Realtors, but who understands what needs to happen to be able to do so.
The majority of people are under the impression that they can throw up a website online and their sales/business will skyrocket. You also have the crowd that believes that if they have enough social media accounts, fan pages, profiles ect that they will be flooded with business. This couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Yes there was a point in time that you could simply slap up a website or social media profile online and traffic would just come your way some how. What I just described was possible maybe in the mid to late 90’s but is and now its long gone. The game has changed.
Internet users are allot more savvy than they once were. They have become hip to pop ups, PPC ads, sponsored links and all the rest. What is one to do in this day and age to get themselves a lead or two? I am glad you asked. It’s back to basics.
Simply put, the jest of commerce is, person 1 gives something of value to person 2 for something person 1 deems valuable. Easy right? Wrong.
This simple way of conducting business is totally screwed up by the majority of business owners for many reasons. The most common way people screw this process up is they think they know what person 1 finds valuable when they don’t have a clue. Don’t make this mistake, ask your target market what they want before attempting to give it to them.
So in conclusion do not assume you know what your market wants ask them and then deliver it. Now when you are generating leads online you know you need to find out what your leads are looking for online and then give it to them in exchange for their contact info. Each target market will want something different so do not generalize whom you will be targeting, do your homework.
I am holding a Craigslist workshop on September 28 at 7pm pacific where I will dive deep into how any RE professional can get free leads from craigslist that convert into closed transactions. Join me for this workshop on September 28 at 7pm pacific to learn what others have tried desperately to keep from you. Here is the registration link CLICK HERE and remember that I already have half of the workshop filled so register now before I have to pull the registration link down. Thanks for stopping by and checking out today’s post and make sure you subscribe to this blog after you register for the Craigslist lead getting workshop.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

If it ain't broke don't fix it

If you are into Flashy, super hyped up new and exciting breakthroughs that have just been discovered and now are being told to you, then you may not like this blog post. Leave now or forever hold your peace.
Weird way of starting off a blog post wouldn’t ya say? Well despite the dramatic language it was a basic headline. Anyone familiar with copy writing knows that the job of the headline is to get people to read the first line of copy and the first line of copies job is, you guessed it, get the reader to read the second line of copy. Simple basic principals that have worked from the beginning and will continue to work till the end of time. And that’s what I wanna talk about. Basic principals.
I know everyone likes new exciting stuff whether in marketing or in life period, humans are just wired that way.  The key to being successful in today’s world of high tech gadgets and gizmos is to utilize new technologies while implementing basic marketing principals. Sounds simple right?
Yes my philosophy is simple but how many of you actually understand it? Here is a simple example of what I am talking about. The internet would be considered a new flashy gadget in my opinion, especially when you consider RE as a profession, so lets apply the philosophy I just described to it.
Traditional RE marketing would say publish a couple of ads in a local classified paper using direct response strategies. Why not do the same exact things online? So many people do not use Craigslist to post classified ads to generate leads, huge mistake. I would like to invite you to a special online workshop I will be holding on September 28.
Many of you are already have signed up for this Craigslist workshop I will be holding and if you are not already registered you need to do so now Click Here. My conference room will only hold 250 people so its going to be a very intimate workshop so everyone can get the most out of it. Curious to know what I will be covering in this workshop? Check out the video below for an overview of what I will be covering in the Craigslist workshop. Make sure you register before the room fills up. I already have 75 people that signed up on the early bird list so keep that in mind when you register for this workshop.  Click here to register for the Craiglist workshop.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Lead Capture Fan Page breakdown

In this video I thought I would show everyone a new lead capture fan page I have been working on. Once it's done I will shoot another video showing the completed fan page. Real Estate lead capture fan pages are gaining popularity and for good reason. Watch this short video that shows you step by step what a lead capture fan page can do and how you can get one for your RE biz. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel or blog and make sure you share this video on facebook and tiwitter. Leave your comments below letting me know what you thought of today's video so I can continue to provide you with practical content you can swipe and use in your own Real Estate business.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Craigslist Real Estate Lead Generation Workshop Update

 Get on the Early Craigslist Real Estate lead generation workshop Registration list Click Here. Get on the early registration list for the Craigslist Real Estate lead generation Workshop now. I am limited to the number of people in our conference room so get on the early registration list before it fills up. All you have to do to secure your spot is click the link in this description and fill out the registration form. I look forward to having you at the Craigslist Real Estate lead generation workshop and get ready to learn how powerful craigslist lead generation can be for your business.

Make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel so you can get notified when I release a new video. While you're at it head over to my blog and check that bad boy out its pretty sweet Don't forget to give this video the thumbs up.

Friday, September 2, 2011

[video] How to get your RE biz found online

Do you wonder how your RE biz gets found online? You already know where you need to be online but how do you actually get found online?

Today's video will clear the air and explain to you how your RE biz is found online. You need to know how the internet works before you go out and attempt to generate leads for your RE business online. If you do not learn the foundational information about how the internet works you are headed for rough times.

Check out this video I pulled out of the archives for all of you today and make sure to leave your comments about what you thoughts where on today's video. Thanks for stopping by and watching.